
What is it?
Doctors, nurses and other caregivers are required to follow certain standard procedures in diagnosing and treating patients. If a doctor fails to meet that standard of care, and a misdiagnosis or surgical error results in injury or death to the patient, the caregiver can be held legally and financially liable.pages-misdiagnosis-4215640

What causes it?
Misdiagnosis and surgical errors can occur in the emergency room, during a birth, a scheduled surgery, or in the doctor’s office either due to carelessness, lack of training, exhaustion, or simple error.

Misdiagnosis – Your doctor may fail to test for breast, colon, prostrate, or other cancer despite visible symptoms. In the emergency room, heart attacks or meningitis sometimes go undiagnosed. A misdiagnosis of a medical condition could result in an unnecessary surgery or failure to perform a necessary procedure in a timely manner.

Surgical errors – Surgeries can result in a myriad of errors that can cause injury or death, including:

  • Failure to properly monitor vital signs
  • Anesthesia overdose
  • Improper surgical procedures
  • Operating on the wrong body part
  • Leaving sponges or instruments in body
  • Sliced nerves or blood vessels due to scalpel slippage

At Jacobs & Goodman:

  • You always get an attorney, never a case manager like at other firms.
  • We take a personal interest in your case, and help you through every aspect, including helping you deal with medical leins and debts.
  • We work on a contingency basis, which means if we don’t win your case, you don’t pay.

If you think you or a loved one been the victim of misdiagnosis or surgical error, contact us to schedule a free consultation.